Portland Dance Eclectic presents a
Weekend with Richard Powers and Angela Amarillas

What to expect from the Richard Powers Weekend

For many us, dance weeks and weekends and dance camps have provided a level of immersion into dancing in which our dancing has gone to another level. For those dancers who enjoy waltz and other traveling dances, Richard Powers Waltz Weekends set the standards as reminders of why we waltz, the fundamentals of dancing and as a conversation in on how social dancing is evolving around the country. If you are a beginner or new to this style of dancing, expect to be inspired with the realization of the possibilities of social dance as accessible activity that can nurture mind, body and soul through out your life. Expect to learn fundamental skills of connecting with your partner, floor craft, and new moves that you can incorporate with what you already know.

For experienced dancers, immersion into the weekend should provide the opportunity to take your dancing to the next level. Richard is constantly involved in adding to the possibilities of social dancing. Check out his new waltzlab.com.

Richard’s weekends are well paced: They intersperse new moves with free dancing and talks.

The Norse Hall ballroom is one of the best dancing venues in the Northwest: a large, perfectly finished wood floor, seating areas to rest and watch, and a great location.
Tentative Weekend Schedule

Saturday, April 9 Norse Hall Main Ballroom

• 9:30-10:00am Registration and Warm ups

• 10:00-11:15 - Fine-tuning the waltz, and new on-the-fly waltz variations. These are easy, fun and useful variations on the rotary waltz that don't require advance practice with a certain partner.

• 11:30-12:30 - A Survey of Waltzes - What are the differences, and which one do you choose?

• 12:30 -1:45 - PowerPoint talk on things that are important to Richard's Stanford students, and a catered lunch.

• 1:45- 2:50 - Electro Swing One-Step and the Charleston Rag.

• 3:00-4:15 - New Cross-Step Waltz Variations for the year.

Saturday Evening Dance , Norse Hall, 111 NE 11th Ave (Open to public)

• Lesson: 7:30 to 8:45 pm. Lesson by Richard Powers - Movie Waltzing, from Beautiful to Bizarre. A cinematic explosion of waltz variations, positions and handholds from famous films. In movie waltzing, anything goes. We'll play with waltzing as it was, waltzing as it could have been, and even anime waltz fantasy. Creativity reigns!

• Dance: 8:45 to 11:30. Movie Music. Waltz, swing, and other traveling dances featuring the greatest dance music from films, DJ'ed by Richard Powers and Dennis Myers

Sunday Workshops, April 7, Norse Hall, 111 NE 11th Ave

• 10:00 - 10:30am - Warm-ups

• 10:30-11:35 - Quick and easy: Waltzing in 5/4, 8/4 and 11/4 timing, then we'll use that to solve waltzing to hyperspeed music. This will save you the next time waltz music is undanceably fast.

• 11:45-12:30 - New Cross-Step Waltz Variations for the year, part 2.

• 12:30 pm - 1:30 - Talk with brunch style snack.

• 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - The Waverly, plus review of some of the weekend's dances.

• 2:30- 3:30pm - Practice what you learned dance. DJ Dennis Myers

A Weekend of Waltz

with Richard Powers & Angela Amarillas

Saturday & Sunday, June 9 &10, 2019

It’s great to welcome Richard and Angela back for another dance weekend. This year the weekend will be an immersion in waltz, both cross step and rotary. Some of the things that will be emphasized are:  
• A quick review of waltz fundamentals, then dozens of new variations!
• Being in the creative moment with the music (musicality) and your partner (partnering).
• Richard’s insights on truly
social social dancing will continue throughout the workshop.
• Then for a change of pace from waltz, a fun trip into electro swing one-step!

Beginners will receive a strong foundation, Richard’s unique perspective on partner dancing, and inspiration to dance and learn more. For experienced and returning dancers, this weekend will highlight some of Richard’s best exercises from the past and also include new material.
If you are not familiar with Richard Powers, here is an introduction and a short video.

Check back to this web page to see a final schedule and registration information soon.
2016 Waltz Weekend with Richard Powers
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